Somatic Awareness Yoga Training
with Ann Saffi Biasetti, PhD, LCSW-R, C-IAYT
levels 1 & 2 | Certified IAYT
Trauma-Informed Somatic Training Programs
As a Certified Yoga Therapist through the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), I love to help my clients embody on and off the mat.
I currently am not offering any 1:1 yoga therapy sessions, as I incorporate all of these skills into both my Somatic Psychotherapy and my Somatic Coaching sessions. As you will see below, I am also busy offering multiple teachings in my community and training others in the practice of Restorative Yoga Therapeutics. I have trained over 140 teachers in this trauma-informed somatic work. Please see below for upcoming trainings and local community events.
Please Note: An Embodied Life Therapeutic Restorative Yoga Teacher-Training Programs are Member Schools of IAYT (The International Association of Yoga Therapists) and offer continuing education credits for yoga therapists and may qualify for credit at many IAYT certified yoga therapy schools. For certified yoga teachers, hours may be applied to continuing ed credits through YA. Those interested in participating in the Level 1 or Level 2 Restorative Yoga Training program do NOT need to be certified yoga teachers, but I do require that you have held a dedicated yoga practice for two years or more.
Retreat, Restore & Train!
LEVEL 1 Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
NEW! This Training is now offered in a retreat format!
November 6—11, 2025, at the Won Dharma Center in Claverack, NY (see details & full schedule below)
I’m so excited to now offer this training in a retreat format!
After 15 years of teaching this training, I have decided, for the first time, to offer this in an immersive retreat experience at the beautiful Won Dharma Center in Claverack, NY.
This extremely comprehensive, trauma-informed training honors the true lineage of Restorative and Therapeutic Yoga. It offers the skills, knowledge, and experience you need to lead your students through the holistic healing journey of this nervous system regulation practice.
It is unique in format and what you will learn due to my many years of experience working with hundreds of bodies in somatic healing, restorative practice, and embodiment. You will quickly understand why restorative yoga is a key intervention in the autonomic nervous system’s ability to regulate, balance, heal, and repair the body and mind.
For Yoga Teachers
A 50-hour certificate will be issued upon completion of the training. In addition to the group training, those who wish to teach must complete a project after the retreat for final certification.
For Mental Health/ Medical ProfessionalsThis training offers valuable skills and interventions that you may add to your existing practice for client regulation and improved health and well-being. As a somatic psychotherapist, I have integrated the use of restorative poses for 20 years in my practice as a gentle form of autonomic regulation and somatic change.
For Yoga Students for Self-CareLearn restorative yoga’s beautiful, healing practice for restoration, nervous system regulation and healing to develop your own home practice. No project is required.
Students who complete a project will receive a certificate of completion indicating 50 Yoga Alliance-approved hours in Restorative Yoga. Those who choose not to complete a project will receive a certificate of attendance. -
You will learn the art and skill of Restorative Yoga, its benefits, and anatomy; and be fully prepared to guide a group class—including:
The art of “seeing” a body and developing your eye and intuition.
Autonomic Nervous System functioning and the cycle of stress in the body and mind, including the physiology and neuroscience of stress and relaxation.
The physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of Restorative Yoga.
Anatomy for Level 1 Restorative Yoga.
Level 1 postures along with therapeutic adjustments.
Embodiment and therapeutic presence in the practice.
Interoceptive awareness related to the practice.
How to lead an entire restorative group class.
The beginning of working 1:1.
Ethics and boundaries.
Proper setups and adjustments for different bodies.
Working with special populations (pregnancy, physical limitations, etc.) and integration into mind/body professional practices (medicine, mental health, dietetics, PT/OT and other health professions).
The art of sequencing poses for classes/workshops, and intention.
This training is open to students and yoga instructors with a dedicated yoga practice for at least two years (including experience as a student of restorative or yin yoga). It is limited to 12 participants.
Upon completion of the training, a certificate of attendance will be issued.
For those seeking certification, in addition to the group training, students will be required to complete a project for final certification. Students will also receive a certificate of completion indicating 50 Yoga Alliance CEU hours in Restorative Yoga.
Fall 2025 Training Dates:
Thursday, November 6th (5pm) — Tuesday, November 11th (2pm)
Daily Schedule:Thursday
Arrive between 3-5pm to check in and settle into your room
5:30-6:30pm — Dinner
7:00-9:30pm — First Session
Friday - Saturday7:30-8:30am — Breakfast
8:30am - 12:00pm — Morning Session
12:00-1:00pm — Lunch
1:30-5:30pm — Afternoon Session
Sunday7:30-8:30am — Breakfast
8:30-9:30- Morning session
9:30-11:30am — Dharma Service or Free Time
12:00-1:00pm — Lunch
1:00-5:30pm — Afternoon Session
7:00-9:00pm — Evening Session
7:30-8:30am — Breakfast8:30am - 12:00pm — Morning Session
12:00-1:00pm — Lunch
1:30-5:30pm — Afternoon Session
Tuesday7:30-8:30am — Breakfast
8:30am - 12:00pm — Morning Session
12:00-1:00pm — Lunch
1:00-2:00pm — Ending Session
Location:Won Dharma Center
361 Route 23 Claverack, NY 12513 -
Training: $750
Room/Board + 3 Daily Vegetarian Meals: $1,100Total: $1,850
Option to pay in full or in two installments.
Please email me if you have questions regarding the training or registration.
Registration is now Open!
LEVEL 2 Restorative Yoga Teacher Training (70 hrs)
February 28—March 2, 2025 & March 7—9, 2025
This is an extremely comprehensive training meant for those interested in working 1:1 with clients for somatic awareness and embodiment training.
This training is an approved foundational training and continuing education course in Yoga Therapy through IAYT and follows the Panchamaya Yoga Therapy Healing System. You will explore the depth of restorative practice, the Koshas, and the practices’ therapeutic nature, including its impact on autonomic functioning and its use in somatic healing. It is taught through a trauma-informed lens.
A great emphasis is placed on the teaching of embodiment, somatics, and the development of your presence in the teacher-client relationship. Through my years as a Somatic Psychotherapist and Coach with individuals, I bring a wealth of information and expertise in mind-body integration and embodiment to make this training unique.
Further develop your eye, voice, touch and intention in working both individually and in a class setting
Further develop your understanding of the Doshas/Koshas in restorative poses
Understand the Panchamaya Model in Yoga Therapy
Develop dynamic use of props to address individual needs/special populations
Learn to effectively work 1:1 with students developing individualized sequences based on need
Learn therapeutic sequences to address mind/body connection, anxiety, depression, and stress reduction and nervous system regulation
Learn proper boundaries and ethics to work in a trauma-informed way
Learn therapeutic poses to target different organ systems
Deepen presence with a client and effective communication
In addition to the group training, students will be required to complete an at home project which consists of working with a client 1:1 for 6 weeks. This is a required project for final certification.
In order to participate in the Level 2 Restorative Teacher Training, you must have completed a Restorative Yoga training with me or another teacher.
Spring 2025 Training Dates:
February 28th-March 2nd & March 7th-9thClass Times:
Friday — 12:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday — 9:00am - 5:00pmLocation:
Training takes place at Yoga Mandali in Saratoga Springs, NY. -
Tuition is $975 with a nonrefundable $250 deposit due at time of registration to secure your spot. Full tuition must be paid by TBD. Cancellations made after this time will result in NO refunds.
Class size is limited to 10 people.
Please register through Yoga Mandali: